Our facilities, equipped to safeguard our people and the environment, have received approvals to process residues and wastes containing precious metals. Processing ovens and melting furnaces are interfaced with after-burners, cooling towers, dust collectors, and baghouses. You may be confident that all materials will be treated at Colt Refining, Inc. in an efficient, economical and environmentally safe manner.
The designation of "hazardous" is based on EPA and local Department of Environmental Services waste codes. When hazardous materials are considered to have sufficient amounts of precious metal to warrant refining, they need to be processed at a qualified facility, such as CRI. Recent environmental concerns place responsibilities on generators and receivers of precious metal scrap to ensure federal, state and local compliance. We strive to maintain full regulatory compliance with state and federal statutes. Clients are encouraged to tour our facility and perform an environmental audit. We have satisfactorily passed such audits conducted by some of the largest firms in the world.
CRI recognizes our responsibility to protect our customers' precious metal scrap as it flows through the refining circuit. Multiple weighing control points ensure proper accountability. Access is restricted within the building and grounds using high security technology. An extensive network of internal and external surveillance cameras and sophisticated alarm systems ensure maximum security.